Upcoming & Recorded Events



Current Programs 1st Choice Life are piloting are listed below:

** Programs are tailored to the needs of the event.  We utilized materials from vetted programs such as the topic below.

True Beauty/ True Strength is a series of videos that 1st Choice Life used and adapts for the time and audience requested.  It focuses on masculinity, femininity, chastity, and theology of the  body. Sample Video 

Marriage Unique for a Reason is created by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops   To see more resources here or view the recorded program  by 1st Choice Board member Ben Newland:   Webinar  

1st Choice Life will utilize qualified existing resources through presenters to instill sanctity of life and chastity in our communities. 

Our Mission is to enlighten and inspire members of local faith communities and institutions of learning with a vision & conviction of the dignity and beauty of marriage, family, and human life at all stages through greater exposure to informational activities.



Orientation and training of Volunteers Date: TBD